In case you're still wondering


For Talents

Frequently asked questions for talents.

What is Blended Capital?2024-02-15T12:33:24+00:00

Blended Capital is a platform that connects multicultural talents with job opportunities in the Netherlands. We specialize in helping individuals with HBO and WO degrees find suitable positions, including full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and internships.

How do I create a profile on Blended Capital?2023-10-17T15:21:39+00:00

Creating a profile is easy! Simply click on the “Login or Sign Up” button and provide your relevant information, including your educational background, skills, work experience and more. This will help companies discover your profile and connect with you.

Is Blended Capital free to use for talents?2023-10-17T15:22:05+00:00

Absolutely! Our services for talents are completely free of charge. You can explore job vacancies, receive company applications, and connect with potential employers without having to pay for it.

How do companies find me?2024-02-15T12:34:17+00:00

Companies looking for talented individuals like you can browse our talent database and send you applications directly through the platform. This allows you to consider various job opportunities that match your skills and interests. You can accept or decline a conversation with a company.

What types of job opportunities are available on Blended Capital?2023-10-17T15:23:17+00:00

We offer a variety of job opportunities, including full-time positions, part-time roles, and internships. You can select the type of job that suits your preferences and career goals.

Can I edit my profile after creating it?2023-10-17T15:23:50+00:00

Yes, you can edit and update your profile at any time. Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date helps companies get a better understanding of your qualifications.

How do I apply for jobs on Blended Capital?2023-10-17T15:25:17+00:00

Companies can directly send you applications, or you can explore job vacancies posted on the platform. If you’re interested in a position proposed by a company, send them a message and follow the application instructions provided by the company.

What should I do if there’s a match?2024-02-15T12:39:37+00:00

Congratulations, good luck with your new position! When you accept an offer from a company, please inform Blended Capital by email within seven (7) days and make sure to update your profile! You don’t need to delete your profile, but just setting your profile to the ‘inactive’ state is enough. Whenever you want to pursue a different career, you can set your account to ‘active’ and you are visible again to potential employers.

For Companies

Frequently asked questions for companies.

What is Blended Capital?2024-02-15T11:57:58+00:00

Blended Capital is a platform designed to connect companies in the Netherlands with multicultural talents holding HBO and WO degrees. We offer a diverse pool of skilled individuals for your hiring needs.

How can my company join Blended Capital?2024-05-01T14:52:49+00:00

Joining Blended Capital is easy! Simply click here or the “Login or Sign Up” button, sign up and fill in the company profile. This will grant you access to our talent database and the ability to post vacancies and send applications to potential candidates.

What are the benefits of using Blended Capital?2024-01-26T12:29:46+00:00

By using Blended Capital, you gain access to a wide range of multicultural talents, helping you diversify your workforce and tap into unique skill sets. Our platform streamlines the recruitment process, making it efficient and targeted.

What are the tokens I get each month?2024-05-16T10:05:34+00:00

Tokens are a specialized currency for companies on our platform, allowing them to efficiently connect with a diverse talent pool. This system ensures that resources are used effectively, with tokens being spent only upon mutual interest between the company and the candidate.

Note: Unused tokens do not carry over to the next month, encouraging active engagement.

How do I use tokens?2024-05-16T10:02:53+00:00

Apply to talents: Use a token to apply to a talent, which is redeemed when the talent accepts the chat.

Can my company post job vacancies on Blended Capital?2024-03-12T13:25:58+00:00

Absolutely! You can post job vacancies on our platform, making them visible to our pool of multicultural talents. This allows you to showcase your company’s opportunities to potential candidates.

Note: You do not use credits to accept applications on vacancies, enabling a straightforward connection with potential candidates.

Can I customize my company’s profile on Blended Capital?2023-10-17T15:32:04+00:00

Yes, you can customize your company profile to highlight your company’s culture, values, and the type of talents you’re looking for. A compelling company profile can attract the right talents to your organization.

How does the application process work?2024-02-15T12:07:13+00:00

You can send applications directly to talents whose profiles align with your job requirements. If a talent is interested, the chat invite will be accepted and the provided instructions for the application process can be followed.

How do I get more tokens or vacancies?2024-05-16T10:02:07+00:00

To get more tokens or vacancies, it is advisable to call or email your contact within our organization. This way, we can discuss your specific needs and tailor the next steps for changing your account preferences in a way that best supports your recruitment goals.

What should I do if there’s a match?2024-05-01T15:06:37+00:00

Congratulations! If a Talent has accepted your job offer, inform Blended Capital by email within seven (7) days.

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